Lynx provides a hypertext interface for navigating the World Wide Web (WWW). The WWW contains all the information that is accessible from the Internet. The WWW was initiated at the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (known as CERN), but has quickly grown to become one of the most popular methods of retrieving information from the Internet. Web browsers, like Lynx, use hypertext and multimedia techniques to make information access easy for anyone.

Lynx is a full-featured WWW program and can run in a text-only environment. It can display hypertext documents containing links to files on Pegasus, as well as files residing on remote systems running Gopher, HTTP, FTP, WAIS, and NNTP servers. The user does not need to know where the files are located or how they are transferred. Lynx will take care of all the details.

Perhaps the biggest advantage of being able to access information at remote sites is that the data can be updated and improved as necessary. In fact some documents are created 'on the fly.' That means a fresh document is created for each user when the request for that document is made, thus assuring you of the most recent information available. The information on Pegasus is also changing and the most recent information is available on Lynx.

To get started with Lynx, type:

pegasus% lynx

and press the <ENTER>key. You can also include an address after the lynx command as follows:

pegasus% lynx

A screen similar to the following will appear:

                                    University of Central Florida Web Site

                   University of Central Florida

   | Campus Info || Academics &Admin || Library || UCF People || Search |

           | Admissions || Links || Comments || Athletics || News |

Commands: Use arrow keys to move, '?' for help, 'q' to quit, '<-' to go back.
Arrow keys: Up and Down to move. Right to follow a link; Left to go back.
H)elp O)ptions P)rint G)o M)ain screen Q)uit /=search [delete]=history list

This is the UCF home page. The title at the top shows the name of the document and the number of screens that make up the document.


To follow a link, simply move the cursor to a word or phrase that is highlighted or in bold and press the <ENTER>Down arrow (\/), <TAB>Move to the next hypertext link, or scroll down if there are no more links on the page to move to.

Up arrow (^) Move to the previous hypertext link, or scroll up if there are no links above the current one.

Right arrow (>), <ENTER>Select the hypertext link that the cursor is currently positioned on.

Left arrow (<) Go back to the previous topic.

<+>, <SPACE>If the bottom of the screen informs you that there is 'more' to see, you may move to the next page.

<->, <b>Move up to the previous page.